• 歷史沿革




    壹、公共事務管理人才的培育。為了因應多元與複雜的公共事務與 治理需求,我們期望培育出具有專業素養、民主精神、創造力與回應力的人才,藉以提升政府的職能 ,有效解决公共問題。


    貳、強調理論與實務應用之整合,透過多元的師資與多元課程的設計,培養學生能有效運用所學 知識 於實際公共問題之解決,使其具備公共治理的能力。尤其是面對全球化的潮流,公務人員更 須具有全球化與在地化的觀點、科際整合的能力


    學生多來自於中部地區的中央與地方政府單位,近年來教職人員進修亦有增加趨勢。自1999年開始招生,該年招收22名學生;2000年 招生人數增至50名;2003年起則 招生人數增至75名;2008年招生人數調整為60名;2009年至2013年,招生人數為50名,2014年調整招生人數為40名、2015年至今則為30名,結業學員約達700人以上。



    廣邀政治大學、台北大學、暨南國際大學、中正大學、世新大學、東海大學、台南大學、中華大學、文化大學等公共行政學系、政治學系、經濟學系、社工學系、教育學系領域的老師至 本專班開班授課,師資陣容可謂優良。在優秀 師資與優良 教學環境的 雙廣齊下,與持之以恆的改善和 服務的提升,建立一個讓學生得以舒適學習 專業的教學 環境。



Executive Master of Public Affairs

The program of the Executive Master of Public Affairs (EMPA) was established in 1999, aimed at providing excellent educational training in the profession of public management for the executive officials from different levels of governments as well as private business. Therefore, the graduates from EMPA program are able to improve individual capabilities and elevate the efficiency of the organizations where they are working. The program is also assuming a major role as an integrated resources center for both academic and practical communities.

The EMPA program has two different areas of specializations available for students to choose, including the Government and Business, and the Placemaking. These two different specializations available for students not only provide better opportunities for executive officials to choose the area suitable for them, but also show the sincere response from the academic community to the changing society. In addition, the EMPA program also facilitates the cross-boundary thinking between public and private sector and further promote better governance essential for governments and enterprises in modern era.

The feature of the program also makes our university stand out from other peer academic programs. We hope to educate our governmental officials, business leaders and social elites to become highly equated with knowledge and capability in policy making in order to improve our government's efficiency in managing public governance as well as solving business problems.

Currently, the accomplishment of EMPA is remarkable. We have Legislators, Magistrates, Mayors, Councilman, Officials from central and local governments, business leaders and many distinguished social elites graduated from the EMPA program. All of them are highly impressed and appreciate the opportunity of continuing education and learning experience.